Hello AG Supporters! Here’s an update on the progress of Season 1 of American Gospel: Spirit & Fire. The current plan is to release eight episodes in the coming months of 2024. Each episode is about 1 hour+ in length. Currently 5 of the 8 episodes have been completed (or over 90% completed). Work on a sixth episode has begun, and two episodes remain to be started. Below you can find rough descriptions of the episodes and their progress status:
I. The Holy Spirit ![]() Description: An introductory episode to the “American Gospel: Spirit & Fire” docuseries exploring the person and work of the Holy Spirit, and what unites and divides believers across the gifts of the Spirit debate (continuationism vs. cessationism). Can both groups agree about the errors connected to the New Apostolic Reformation? Progress: This episode has not been started. I will probably work on this first episode last. II. Redding (Part One)Description: An introduction to Bethel Church, and their relationship with the City of Redding, California through their theology of dominionism and the “Seven Mountain Mandate.” This episode explores what attracts students from all over the world to Bethel Church and their school of supernatural ministry (BSSM). How does their view of “heaven on earth” appeal to other nations (Ex: South Africa)? Do the promises of earthly prosperity for individuals and nations create a false hope that distracts from the gospel and the Great Commission, or are they necessary for the return of Christ? Progress: "Redding (Part 1)" is 90% completed. There's still some animation and graphical work to do, along with an additional pickup that will be shot in April to conclude a story. III. Redding (Part Two) Description: A deeper look into Bethel’s teaching and practices, including prophecy, “treasure hunting”, and their view of revival. Former BSSM students, Jesse Westwood & Annelise Pierce explore how these teachings impact the students and the city of Redding. Are Bethel’s teaching and evangelism lacking the biblical gospel? Are they leading students toward deconstruction and the paths of new age and atheism? Progress: "Redding (Part 2)" is 95% complete. There's still some animation and graphical work to do, along with some additional footage to film. IV. Your Will Be Done Description: Is it always God’s will to heal? Is physical healing available in connection to forgiveness of sins? Does the life and example of Jesus in His healing ministry override clear examples in Scripture where God causes or allows sickness? This episode examines this theology and the impact that it has on those outside of Bethel, Christians with illnesses and genetic disorders, and the sovereignty of God. Progress: This episode has not been started. V. Wake UpDescription: Continuing the story of Jesse Westwood post-Bethel, this episode explores how false prophecy lead him to deconstruct to atheism, and how he returned to a more historic understanding of Christianity. Bethel’s theology of miracles is also examined, along with its implications in a local tragedy, which became an international news story-- the death of a two year old baby named Olive, and Bethel’s attempts to resurrect her from the dead. Are all Christians mandated to healing the sick, and raise the dead? Are all Christians mandated to perform miracles like Jesus? What is a biblical view of prayer? Progress: Work on this episode is currently in progress. VI. Grave Soaking - VII. The House of GeneralsDescription: The leaders of Bethel Church in Redding, California are known for cultivating a culture of spiritual experimentation and risk-taking. One experiment involved certain leaders and students visiting the burial sites of old Pentecostal heroes. Trips were made to the resting places of Kathryn Kuhlman, Smith Wigglesworth, and other famous “generals” to seek a transference of their anointing for miracles. Concerned critics have labeled the practice as “grave-soaking” or “grave-sucking”. A controversy was ignited after photos and videos of the practice began to circulate online. Today, you can’t read an article about Bethel Church without seeing mention of grave-soaking. What was the origin of this experiment? Is there Biblical support for it? Is it only a fringe practice that “heresy hunters” have blown out of proportion? Has there been genuine repentance on the part of the leadership for allowing and encouraging this trend? These episodes (Grave Soaking & The House of Generals) provide an in-depth investigation into the facts, including eyewitness testimony, an evaluation of recent attempts to downplay the situation by the leaders of Bethel, and a look at the overall culture that made this possible. Most importantly, Biblical teaching and correction will be offered on the subject of “anointing”. The truth of what Christ has done in the Gospel shines in beautiful contrast against the distortions made by those who are earnestly seeking miraculous power. Progress: Completed VII. The GreatestDescription: To conclude the Westwoods' story, this episode examines Bethel’s view of the nature of man, and how their teaching distorts what it means to follow Christ, and how Christians deal with their remaining sinful flesh. Does Christ’s influence cause us to recognize our greatness in our royal identity, or cause to humble ourselves and take up our cross? How are Christians to view their identity before coming to Christ, and after Christ? Are we still sinners, saints, or both? Progress: Completed Release Date?I know the biggest question is, "When is the release date?" An episode can take 1-2 months to complete (based on many factors). With 3 episodes remaining, it could take anywhere from 3-6 months. Another thing to consider is that we cannot release individual episodes that are "complete" until the whole season is complete (we have to have the entire series sent for a fair use legal review which could also require small changes to any episodes).
"AG2: Christ Crucified" was nearly 3 hours in length. Season 1 of "AG3: Spirit & Fire" is more than double that. Please continue to pray for our small team as we edit this story, create animations, compose music, etc. Thank you for your prayers and patience!
Yesterday I wrote a blog post, where I explained Michael Brown's objections to the recent video that Chris Rosebrough recorded on the sins of Martin Luther. This video caused Michael to rescind his permission for us to publicly post the roundtable discussion that he had with Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett on the subject the New Apostolic Reformation. I deleted the post because Michael and I thought it would be better to continue our conversations behind the scenes rather than having a public back and forth. I originally wrote the post in a hurry because Michael cut off communication with me and said he would be publicly responding with a video later that afternoon. The good thing about this whole situation is that Chris Rosebrough was able to call into his radio show and explain his perspective on Luther in more detail: This conversation lead to an exchange of phone numbers, and a shift in Michael's decision to withdraw his permission. In sum, he is now allowing the roundtable with Holly and Doug to go public in the future, no matter what happens.
December 2024
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