Hello American Gospel supporters! I am writing to give you an update on the progress of AG3: Spirit & Fire and to answer some of the questions related to its estimated release date. First, I would recommend that everyone watch my recent interview with Chris Rosebrough, where much of this is explained. You can find that interview here on AGTV:
https://www.watchagtv.com/videos/ag3interview-kongsvinger Earlier this year, during the release of the extended 12-minute preview, I gave an estimated release date of late Spring, which is a little over a month away. At this point in my progress, I have completed two 1-hour episodes in the docuseries (with progress on other episodes), which is essentially equivalent to a single film. Those episodes are being reviewed by a few individuals with whom I disagree and who appear in the docuseries. I'm inviting further commentary from them in order to make these episodes as fair as possible. Because AG3 is a docuseries, I'm expecting to make at least 10 episodes, and I have enough content for even more than that. At this point, I'm not sure how that will impact the release. The major issue I have is that I must get permission from those who appear in opposition interviews in order to release anything. This could mean I may have to wait until all of the episodes are at least finished in rough form, or perhaps I would be able to release some episodes as I complete them (so long as I'm given the green light). All that being said, my estimate has been pushed back until late Fall at this point. I know that is disappointing for many. Trust me, I want this to be completed more than anyone, but it has to be done within the constraints that I mentioned above, as well as the constraints of being a small team working on such a large project. As many of you know, in addition to working on AG3, we're also running and maintaining a streaming service (AGTV), which is essentially helping support us in the completion of this docuseries. In other news, last month we finished filming an almost 4-hour roundtable discussion with Justin Peters, Jim Osman, Michael Brown, and Sam Storms, which was very successful. That roundtable has been transcribed, and a sound mix is almost completed. I'm hoping that perhaps I can release content like this in an uncut form before the total docuseries is completed. Thank you to everyone who continues to support us with prayer, and through subscribing to AGTV (and for being patient with the release of AG3). In the meantime, I will try to keep you all more updated with examples or previews of some of the content that I am working on. Below is an edit I recently did on the topic of Kris Vallotton’s encounter with Michael the Archangel: https://www.watchagtv.com/videos/ag3-krisv-angelmichael-rough Description: Kris Vallotton of Bethel Church, claims that Michael the Archangel appeared by his bedside in wrestling tights, and in a bad mood. But does this description of an angelic encounter match the description of angels that we see in Scripture? -Brandon Kimber
Edwin E.
5/9/2023 10:34:44 am
Stay the course Brandon. Be faithful to the calling and run the race st out before you. We will continue to support AGTV in the meantime.
Cal LeMieux
5/9/2023 12:47:50 pm
Thank you so much for all of the hard work that you have poured into these movies. I have learned so much from the movies as well as the amazing teachings within AGTV. I have close family and friends deeply involved in the prosperity Gospel and I pray that their eyes would be opened to the Biblical truths conveyed by this ministry. Take you time brother, I know the finished product will be worth the wait!!!
5/9/2023 12:50:04 pm
We will continue to wait patiently and pray for you and the team. This is content that needs to be out in the world! God has blessed you and your team to make this content and glorify Him in this endeavor. Continue to strive for the narrow path and be faithful to the God of the universe.
Thanks for posting the 12 minute video and all the work you are putting in. I'm curious the point in having someone narrate, then show the same words in the video of Kris, then narrate what is about to happen, then seeing it in the video almost word for word. Seemed unnecessary and repetitive. I would hope for either commentary on the video by the person on what we are looking for as a result, not just repeating what is being said. Just didn't understand why it's being said twice and the point behind it. Thank you though for putting this together as American Gospel has been a huge blessing to our church and family.
Brandon Kimber
5/25/2023 01:36:30 pm
Hi Tony. The choice to do this is related to a legal issue regarding fair use content. Legally we can only use about 7-12 seconds of someone else’s content as long as we are commenting and critiquing it. So in order allow the audience to see the full clip in our film, it has to be interrupted by commentary that’s either describing or critiquing what is being said. It’s not ideal, but we have no choice. It’s part of being protected ended the fair use law, and to be qualified for insurance in case someone takes legal action against us.
Atishay Jain
5/11/2023 11:53:48 pm
Team, I am patiently waiting and praying for you, for Lord’s blessing on your work, wisdom in navigating through the process (including constraints and integrity), and for provision. I grew up in India as part of a religion called Jainism before moving the States. Gave my life to Christ in August 2020 after watching the first two AG documentaries. Lord brought me to watch your documentaries in the hardest time in my life and broke me to pieces before giving me new life in Christ Jesus our Lord God after having me explore the depths of the Gospel through your documentaries. Thank you for your sincere efforts and all the best for AG3. Love and hugs to you all.
9/14/2023 08:34:03 am
Is there any update? I am so looking forward to this!
Brandon Kimber
9/20/2023 01:34:07 pm
We’ll hopefully have some news, and some episodes to preview in a few weeks!
Blaine Robbins
10/7/2023 01:53:31 am
Cannot wait to see this film! God bless y’all and thank you for your labor for the sake of Jesus Christ and his name - words can’t adequately describe the blessing it is and has been for this household! Soli Deo Gloria!
Paul A LaPointe
10/16/2023 11:09:20 am
Any update on release? Really want to support the project. 10/21/2023 08:56:45 pm
So... 5/5/23 didn't exactly happen but there isn't any new release date... Is this project being actively worked on, or is it just whenever the team gets around to it?
10/22/2023 04:39:50 am
Michael Brown just withdrew from the project. Check out his reason on his Facebook page.
11/30/2023 11:49:08 am
I purchased the last two and will purchase the 3rd if/when available. I've watched it many times already and look forward to it again. When my kids are old enough I look forward to sitting down with them and watching it with them to help them understand the garbage being taught.
1/10/2024 11:19:01 am
I love the videos so far, but I am disappointed at how this one is being rolled out. 10 episodes are great for long-form content, but not everyone has the ability or time to go through that much material. At the same time, this was originally promoted as the third video in this series that could be purchased the same way the others were. Now it's a docuseries on AGTV. I don't understand the mid-stream change. As happy as I am that this topic is being covered this switch is a serious letdown to those who have been waiting for what was originally put forward. Is there a reason why a condensed video is not being offered in addition to the episodes?
1/12/2024 10:45:35 am
Hi George. This project has always been promoted as a multi-episode "docuseries", not a single film. Sorry if that wasn't made clear enough. However, I also plan to create a shorter film-length version for the purpose of evangelism. See here: https://www.americangospelfilm.com/ag3-faq.html
Julie Etscheid
2/9/2024 05:54:51 pm
I truly hope that you are able to get the docu-series completed, and soon. I have people in my life who are at this moment going through BSSM, being led further and further from the true Gospel with each passing day. I pray for them, but I will also pray for your work on this, that any obstacles will be cleared.
3/2/2024 05:50:35 am
Is there an update on release of AG3?!
4/5/2024 04:57:52 pm
Hello! Watched ag1 and 2 several times. Amazing, informative, and life changing documentaries. Any idea when ag3 will come out?
10/1/2024 11:10:52 pm
Hello! Back again to ask about any updates on when ag3 will come out.
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