Since our 4-hour roundtable discussion was published (3/13/24), much has happened regarding the topic of Benny Hinn's false teaching and false prophecy, and whether he has truly repented. From the documentation below, you can see how people like Dr. Michael Brown and Stephen Strang (Charisma Magazine) are currently supporting the idea that Benny Hinn has once again "repented", when this is clearly not the case. If you missed this discussion, you can find the link below: 4/1/24: Mike Winger: “The Victims of Benny Hinn: 30 Years of Spiritual Deception.” Link: 4/2/24: Michael Brown Calls Benny Hinn to “Repent” Link: Winger's video compelled Michael Brown to respond, urging Benny Hinn to repent for, at the very least, false prophecy and worldly fundraising practices. However, Brown still refrained from labeling Benny Hinn as a false teacher or prophet, declaring that Hinn is unfit for ministry, or warning people to "mark and avoid" Benny Hinn. Instead, he spent the following week criticizing discernment ministries who "attack" him for his inability to call some a false teacher. 4/3/24: Michael Brown: “A Friendly Challenge to My Critics” Link: Brown defends his reputation by explaining that he has no time to research false teachers like Benny Hinn. He proudly displays all of his books and articles that he's written over the years on his desk, while mocking his critics who aren't doing the same work he is doing. Despite his attempt to counteract this display of pride by explaining how his wife keeps him humble and that his gifts are all of God's grace, it doesn't erase what took place beforehand. From my perspective, I don't think critics want Brown to change his ministry focus. We respect the work that he does and the knowledge that he has. However, we don't want him to associate with and defend false teachers and prophets. He should have time to examine those he's associating with and defending (Scripture commands it). Scripture doesn't command us to specifically write books or articles on the culture wars. He also makes time to do a week-long series on "hyper-critical cessationists", so why can't he do the same for people like Benny Hinn? 4/17/24: Mike Winger: “Benny Hinn is trying to Silence Me. I Won't Back Down”: Link: Mike Winger explains that Hinn is actively trying to remove his video from YouTube through the YouTube copyright system. However, YouTube agrees with Winger that his video falls under fair use law. 5/8/24 - Stephen Strang Interviews Benny Hinn: “Forgive Me.” Link:** Stephen Strang of Charisma Magazine interviews Benny Hinn, who goes into damage control mode. Hinn tries to portray who he really is by giving a solid gospel explanation, speaking of his focus on Jesus, his view that salvation is the greatest miracle, and the fact that he reads his Bible every day in Hebrew. He then gives a mixed apology, where on one hand he blames others for his errors in false prophecy (he invited guest speakers who falsely prophesied), prosperity teaching (outside pressure from praise-a-thons, etc.), and on the other hand, personally apologizes, and asks for forgiveness. He says, "Who's perfect?" 5/9/24: Stephen Strang Interviews Michael Brown Link: Michael Brown and Stephen Strange appear to have now accepted that Benny Hinn has "repented" again. Sadly, they spend more time talking about destructive "heresy hunting" discernment ministries (which can sometimes be constructive and correct), and the sins of other ministries, rather than the content of Mike Winger's video (the sins of Benny Hinn, his victims) and whether he is qualified to be in ministry. Hinn’s sins are described as "blowing it" or making "mistakes." Based on Titus 1:7-13, we know that Hinn's repentance would at least look like stepping down from ministry, because he is not qualified: For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. For there are many who are insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party. They must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.” — Titus 1:7-13 Michael Brown also describes how he mistakenly appeared on Benny Hinn's show, which initially seemed to bear good fruit, but Hinn later replaced his final recording with a sinful fundraising program. Despite being deceived by Hinn, Brown suggests that Mike Winger should engage in private conversation with Benny Hinn. I believe this is unwise, as people typically resort to damage control and dishonesty when faced with criticism, or they gloss over their past sins (Hinn has a history of doing this to appear repentant). Once again, why can't Michael Brown recognize that Hinn is unfit for ministry? Instead, it's, "He needs to repent, but he's a believer who loves Jesus. However, I disagree on issues X, Y, and Z." 5/14/24: Anthony Wade Responds to Brown & Strang: Anthony Wade (from 828 Ministries, and a charismatic critic of Michael Brown), wrote this article in response: "Dr. Brown and Stephen Strang - Swallowing Camels to Strain Out the Gnat that is Benny Hinn." 5/15/14: Stephen Strang and Benny Hinn Podcast (Part 2) - “Who’s Perfect?” Link: Benny continues to defend his image by saying, "sometimes change is slow," in response to those who are doubtful about his true repentance (1993, 2019, 2024). At the end of the video, Strang asks Hinn to pray for his audience. Hinn prays, "We forgive those who have spoken against us," which appears to be a reference to Mike Winger and his video. Benny Hinn clearly thinks he is a victim, and that Mike Winger has been in sin for speaking against him. This is not repentance at all! 5/15/24 - Mike Winger’s Facebook Response Mike Winger writes: “How should I feel about the fact that Benny Hinn offered a prayer yesterday where he gave forgiveness to those who speak critical of him? Is he forgiving ME for something? His interview was with Charisma Magazine founder Steven Strang. Charisma Magazine said that this interview was in response to my video. When Hinn offers a prayer to forgive those who criticize him, he’s got to be talking about me. He’s been on a lot of damage control recently (interviews, videos, articles) but has yet to show a single thing that I said in my video that wasn’t true. If Benny Hinn shows me what I’ve got wrong then I will publicly admit it (as I should) but the idea of being offered forgiveness for warning people against a wolf is… not compelling. I reached out to him before I made my video, to give him a chance to correct any errors I may have. I’m open to it still. The only contact I’ve actually had from Hinn is when his representative tried to take my video off of YouTube with a false copyright claim. I also did an interview with Charisma Magazine. It’s supposed to come out very soon.” 5/17/24 - Mike Winger’s Interview with Charisma Magazine Link:
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